
Scientists Build a Teeny Tiny Tractor Beam

Tractor beams make intuitive sense. Matter and energy interact with each other in countless ways throughout the Universe. Magnetism and…

2 years ago

We’ll be Building Self-Replicating Probes to Explore the Milky Way Sooner Than you Think. Why Haven’t ETIs?

The future can arrive in sudden bursts. What seems a long way off can suddenly jump into view, especially when…

2 years ago

Ion Engines Could Work on Earth too, to Make Silent, Solid-State Aircraft

Ion engines are the best technology for sending spacecraft on long missions. They're not suitable for launching spacecraft against powerful…

3 years ago

A New Artist’s Illustration of the Extremely Large Telescope. So Many Lasers

Everyone loves lasers. And the only thing better than a bunch of lasers is a bunch of lasers on one…

4 years ago

The Carina Nebula. Seen With and Without Adaptive Optics

Ever wonder how modern astronomical observatories take such clear images of distant objects? Advances in mirror design have allowed for…

4 years ago

This Rocket Engine’s Thrust Chamber was 3D-printed and Only has Three Parts

This week, European engineers hot-fire tested a fully 3D-printed thrust chamber that could one day power the upper stages for…

5 years ago

Astronomy Cast now available via Amazon’s Alexa!

You can now enable the Amazon Astronomy Cast skill on your Alexa enabled device (in the US now, Canada soon)!…

7 years ago

Showcasing the Benefits of NASA Technology Here on Earth

Every year, NASA release Spinoff, a publication produced by the Technology Transfer Program that shows how NASA technology has benefits…

8 years ago

Moisture Vaporators, Death Star Construction and Other Real Star Wars Tech

Since we all certainly have Star Wars on the brain today (The Force Awakens opens tonight), let’s take a look…

9 years ago

Making the Trip to Mars Cheaper and Easier: The Case for Ballistic Capture

When sending spacecraft to Mars, the current, preferred method involves shooting spacecraft towards Mars at full-speed, then performing a braking…

10 years ago