
Transit of Venus: First Images

[/caption] The transit of Venus across the face of the Sun -- the last one for another 105 years --…

13 years ago

Venus Moving in for a Transit

Venus is moving in! The LASCO C3 coronograph on board the SOHO spacecraft has been watching the approach of Venus…

13 years ago

Watch the 2012 Transit of Venus Live!

[/caption] Venus will make a rare transit across the face of the Sun on June 5/6, 2012 and for this…

13 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout for May 31, 2012

In this episode of the Weekly Space Hangout, we're joined by special guest Robert Nemiroff from Astronomy Picture of the…

13 years ago

Help Astronomers Collect Venus Transit Data!

[/caption]During June 5th/6th 2012, Venus will be transiting the Sun, where it will make a rare appearance as a small…

13 years ago

How To Measure the Universe

Measuring distance doesn't sound like a very challenging thing to do -- just pick your standard unit of choice and…

13 years ago

ESA: Unveiling Venus

[/caption] With Venus about to get its day in the Sun -- very much literally -- the European Space Agency…

13 years ago

Amazing Astrophoto: The Phases of Venus

[/caption] Wow! Take a look at how Venus has changed in the night sky the past five months! "The Planet…

13 years ago

Astrophoto: Lovely Crescent Venus by John Chumack

[/caption] Named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, Venus has never looked more gorgeous! Prolific and accomplished astrophotographer…

13 years ago

How the Hubble Telescope Will Look at the Moon to See Venus Transit the Sun

[/caption] Venus moving across the face of the Sun, from our vantage point here on Earth, is such a rare…

13 years ago