
Could There Be Life in the Cloudtops of Venus?

When it comes to places with the potential for habitability, Venus isn’t usually considered on that list. The hot, greenhouse-effect-gone-mad…

4 years ago

It Looks Like There are Still Active Volcanoes on Venus

Venus' surface is no stranger to volcanoes. Radar images show more than 1,000 volcanic structures on the planet. But for…

4 years ago

Instead of Going Straight to Mars, Astronauts Should Make a Slingshot Past Venus First

Every 26 months, the orbits of both Earth and Mars conspire to make travel between the two planets shorter. Launching…

4 years ago

More Details On NASA’s VERITAS Mission, Which Could Go to Venus

Venus has always been a bit of the odd stepchild in the solar system.  It’s similarities to Earth are uncanny:…

4 years ago

15 Different Ideas for Rovers That Could Explore Venus

NASA just announced the winners of it's "Exploring Hell Challenge" with HeroX, an incentive competition designed to inspire designs for…

4 years ago

The Atmosphere On Venus Rotates Faster than the Planet, and Now Astronomers Think They Know Why

Venus is unique—almost—in our Solar System because it's what's known as a "super-rotator." That means that Venus' atmosphere rotates faster…

4 years ago

A Twilight Tryst: Venus Meets Neptune in the Dusk Sky

Never seen Neptune? It’s time you should, and this weekend offers a fine time to try, as the faintest planet…

4 years ago

The Surprising Possibility That There are Still Active Volcanoes on Venus

According to new research by a team from the LPI, it appears likely that Venus could indeed have active volcanoes…

4 years ago

Stingray Glider to Explore the Cloudtops of Venus

Researchers at the University of Buffalo's CASH Lab are working on a glider inspired by the stingray to explore Venus.

5 years ago

How Long is a Day on Venus? Astronomers Make Their Best Measurement Yet

There's a problem with Venus. We don't know how fast it rotates. For a space-faring civilization like ours, that's a…

5 years ago