
Earth and Venus are the Same Size, so Why Doesn’t Venus Have a Magnetosphere? Maybe it Didn’t Get Smashed Hard Enough

A new study lays out why Venus doiesn't have a magnetic field like Earth's. Basically, it may come down to…

7 years ago

Building Electronics That Can Work on Venus

A team from NASA's Glenn Research Center recently demonstrated a new class of electronics, which would be capable of operating…

7 years ago

Venus Express Probe Reveals the Planet’s Mysterious Night Side

A new study by an international team of scientists takes a look at Venus' mysterious night side, which revealed some…

7 years ago

NASA’s Plan to Explore Venus with a “SteamPunk” Rover

A team from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is moving into Phase II of their plan to send a clockwork rover…

7 years ago

NASA Plans to Send CubeSat To Venus to Unlock Atmospheric Mystery

As part of its Planetary Science Deep Space SmallSat Studies program, NASA has selected a CubeSat mission to study Venus'…

7 years ago

Construction Tips from a Type 2 Engineer: Collaboration with Isaac Arthur

Fraser Cain and Isaac Arthur team up again to bring you another epic collaboration. This time, it’s construction tips from…

7 years ago

Researchers Think They Know Why Venus Doesn’t Have as Many Volcanoes as Earth

A new study by researchers from St. Andrews University and the University of Strasbourg has shed light on why Venus…

7 years ago

Here’s a Plan to Send a Spacecraft to Venus, and Make Venus Pay for It

In the week's FISO Telecon Series, NASA engineer Michael Paul presented a novel concept for an in-situ miission to Venus.

7 years ago

Venus 2.0 Discovered In Our Own Back Yard

A team of international astronomers recently found the closest thing to a "Venus-like" planet in a nearby star system, which…

7 years ago

How Far is Venus From the Sun?

In addition to be the second closet planet to our Sun, Venus also has the most circular orbit - varying…

7 years ago