The Brightest Planet

Venus. From the Pioneer Venus Orbiter

When you look up into the sky, if you are lucky, you see shining stars on a field of blue-black. Not all of these objects are stars though. Venus, which can be seen with the unaided eye from Earth, is the brightest planet in our Solar System. Venus was given the nickname evening star and morning star because of its bright, consistent presence. It is often called Earth’s twin because it is similar in shape and size to our own planet. The only objects brighter than Venus are the Moon and the Sun. Sirius, the brightest star that can be seen in the sky, is much dimmer than Venus is. People have known that Venus existed for centuries. The planet was named after the Roman goddess of love and this shining planet has long been associated with femininity.

A planet’s brightness is determined by how much light is reflected by the planet. The term albedo refers to the balance between how much light is absorbed and how much light is reflected by the planet. As the brightest planet, Venus has a very high albedo. Seventy percent of the light that hits Venus is reflected back into space. Why does Venus have such a high albedo though? There are droplets of sulfuric acid and acidic crystals in the atmosphere of Venus. The smooth surfaces of these droplets of sulfuric acid and crystals reflect light very well, which is one reason why Venus is so bright. There is a lot more to this planet than its shimmering appearance though.

The same atmosphere that causes Venus to shine like a beacon also prevents us from getting a look at the planet’s surface. Astronomers did not know what the planet looked like until probes checked out the surface in the last few decades. Because the surface of Venus could not be seen, scientists and writers imagined that it was a tropical, lush landscape. That was not the case though. In addition to hiding the surface and reflecting light, Venus’ atmosphere traps heat from the Sun, turning the planet into a raging furnace. Reaching temperatures of over 460°C, Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System. Its landscape is similar to that of Mercury and the Moon – rocky, barren terrain with no sign of life. Venus has long enchanted viewers with its beauty and shining presence. Try looking for this planet in the sky; you may find yourself captivated by this shining beauty like many before you.

Universe Today has many articles on Venus including the atmosphere of Venus  and how to find Venus in the sky.

For more information check out these articles from NASA on an overview of Venus and from Nine Planets on the brightest planet.

Astronomy Cast has an episode on Venus you should take a look at.

How Far is Venus from Earth?

The are varying numbers for the Venus distance from Earth. Each number depends on the relative position of each planet in its elliptical orbit. The point when the planets are at their closest approach to each other is called opposition. The distance between the planets can even vary at different oppositions. The closest possible opposition distance between Earth and Venus is 38 million kilometers. This is the closest that any planet comes to Earth.

The farthest that Venus ever gets from Earth is 261 million km. The means that the Venus distance from Earth can vary by an incredible 223 million km. While that seems like an amazing distance, it is nothing compared to the numbers attributed to other planets. Try to imagine how far it is between Earth and Neptune. Here is a link that tells you how to figure those distances out.

The relative proximity of Venus helps to explain why it is the second brightest object in the night sky. The planet has an apparent magnitude of about -4.9 at its brightest. It can also completely disappear from the night sky when it is at its most distant, because the Sun is between it and the Earth. The planet’s apparent magnitude is also helped by the reflectivity of the sulfuric acid clouds that dominate its atmosphere. The clouds reflect a great deal of visible light, increasing the planet’s albedo and making it more readily seen.

Venus will periodically pass across the face of the sun. This is called a transit. These transits of Venus occur in pairs with more than a century separating each pair. Since the advent of the telescope, transits have been observed in 1631, 1639; 1761, 1769; and 1874, 1882. the most recent occurred on June 8, 2004. The second in this pair will occur on June 6, 2012, so mark your calenders and prepare your telescopes. The planet can also be seen to go through phases much like the Moon when you observe it through powerful binoculars or small telescopes.

Venus is always brighter than any star. It is at its brightest when the Venus distance from Earth is the smallest. The planet can be easy to see when the Sun is low on the horizon, it always lies about 47° from the Sun. The planet orbits faster than the Earth, so overtakes it every 584 days. When this happens Venus is more easily seen in the morning, just after sunrise. Hopefully, you have found quite a bit of useful information here.

We have written many articles about Venus for Universe Today. Here are some interesting facts about Venus, and here’s an article about Venus compared to Earth.

If you’d like more information on Venus, check out Hubblesite’s News Releases about Venus, and here’s a link to NASA’s Solar System Exploration Guide on Venus.

We’ve also recorded an entire episode of Astronomy Cast all about Venus. Listen here, Episode 50: Venus.
