A Sneak Peek at the Next Generation Very Large Array’s New Antennae

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) recently disclosed a prototype radio telescope antennae for its next generation Very Large Array…

1 year ago

A Black Hole Burps out Material, Years After Feasting on a Star

When observing a black hole that devoured a star three years earlier, an international team of astronomers noticed it "burping"…

2 years ago

A Rare Repeating Fast Radio Burst Gives Astronomers a Chance to Study These Mysterious Objects

An international team has come up with a new explanation for Fast Radio Bursts based on their study of a…

3 years ago

SETI Researchers can now Scan all Data at the Very Large Array for any Evidence of Alien Transmissions

The Very Large Array (VLA) will monitor space 24/7 for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence, thanks to a new partnership between…

3 years ago

Astronomers Find the Biggest Structure in the Milky Way, a Filament of Hydrogen 1,600 Light-Years Long

An international team of astronomers spotted the largest filament of hydrogen in our galaxy, which could offer tantalizing clues about…

3 years ago

M87’s Supermassive Black Hole is Spewing out a Spiraling jet of Material

Patterns in nature often occur in more than one place.  Spirals, symmetry, and chaos all impact natural phenomena, from the…

3 years ago

Pulsar Seen Speeding Away From the Supernova That Created it

Recent observations have revealed a pulsar that appears to have been accelerated by the very supernova explosion that created it.

6 years ago

Is it a Massive Planet or a Tiny Brown Dwarf. This Object is Right at the Border Between Planet and Star

In a new study, a team from Caltech recently used the Very Large Array to confirm that a rogue planet…

6 years ago

Source of Mysterious ‘Fast’ Radio Signals Pinpointed, But What Is It?

For about 10 years, radio astronomers have been detecting mysterious milliseconds-long blasts of radio waves, called “fast radio bursts” (FRB).…

8 years ago

VLA Shows Early Stages Of Planet Formation In Unprecedented Detail

Astronomers have captured the earliest image yet of the formation of planets around a young star.

9 years ago