Black Holes are Firing Beams of Particles, Changing Targets Over Time

Black holes seem to provide endless fascination to astronomers. This is at least partly due to the extreme physics that…

7 months ago

A Green Bank Telescope Prototype Radar System Can Image the Moon in High-Resolution and Detect Asteroids

Everyone loves taking pictures of the Moon. Whether it’s with their phones or through the wonders of astrophotography, photographing the…

2 years ago

Astronomers Start Mapping the Structure of the Far Side of the Milky Way

Thanks to a new study by an international team of astronomers, we now have the tools we need to map…

7 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – Feb. 6, 2015: Astronaut Ron Garan’s “Orbital Perspective”

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Guests: Morgan Rehnberg (cosmicchatter.org / @MorganRehnberg ) Special Guest: Astronaut Ron Garan (orbitalpersepctive.com / @Astro_Ron) Ron…

10 years ago

How NASA Is Saving Fuel On Its Outer Solar System Missions

While Saturn is far away from us, scientists have just found a way to make the journey there easier. A…

10 years ago

Our Place in the Galactic Neighborhood Just Got an Upgrade

Some cultures used to say the Earth was the center of the Universe. But in a series of "great demotions,"…

12 years ago

Extreme Telescopes: Unique Observatories Around the World

In 1888, astronomer Simon Newcomb uttered now infamous words, stating that “We are probably nearing the limit of all we…

12 years ago

Dodging Black Hole Bullets

[/caption] In mid-2009 a binary star system cataloged as H H1743–322 shot off something very unusual. Poised about 28,000 light…

13 years ago

Astronomers Complete the Puzzle of Black Hole Description

[/caption] Light may not be able to escape a black hole, but now enough information has escaped one black hole’s…

13 years ago

Time-Lapse Movie Shows Massive Stars Form Similarly to Smaller Stars

It has been difficult for astronomers to see how massive stars form, since these stars are rare, form quickly and…

15 years ago