white dwarf

Possible Nova Pops in Cygnus

A newly-discovered star of magnitude +10.9 has flared to life in the constellation Cygnus the Swan. Koichi Nishiyama and Fujio Kabashima, both…

11 years ago

Rocky Alien Planet Leftovers ‘Polluted’ White Dwarf Stars With Metal

What's with all the metals in the atmosphere of white dwarfs, those things that are corpses of stars like our…

11 years ago

How Do You Jumpstart A Dead Star?

It's a staple of science fiction, restarting our dying star with some kind of atomic superbomb. Why is our Sun…

11 years ago

What Is The Future Of Our Sun?

Who knows what the future holds for our Sun? Dr. Mark Morris, a professor of astronomy at UCLA sure knows.…

11 years ago

Will The Sun Explode?

All stars die, some more violently than others. Once our own Sun has consumed all the hydrogen fuel in its…

11 years ago

Bright New Nova In Delphinus — You can See it Tonight With Binoculars

Looking around for something new to see in your binoculars or telescope tonight? How about an object whose name literally…

11 years ago

Why Are Dying Stars in 47 Tucanae Cooling Off So Slowly?

The Hubble Space Telescope is going to be used to settle an argument. It's a conflict between computer models and…

12 years ago

Famed Pair of Stars Closer To Earth Than We Imagined

If you're a semi-serious amateur astronomer, chances are you've heard of a variable pair of stars called SS Cygni. When you…

12 years ago

The Rosy Remains of a Star’s Final Days

Stars like our Sun can last for a very long time (in human terms, anyway!) somewhere in the neighborhood of…

12 years ago

Closely-Orbiting Stellar Companions Surrounded by “Mystery Dust”

Artist's concept showing a dust disk around a binary system containing a white dwarf and a less-massive M (red) dwarf…

12 years ago